
Showing posts from August, 2017

The Beginning of Knowledge

Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." Solomon starts us right off with a punch in the gut that essentially says, "If you're not willing to listen to instruction and learn wisdom, you're an idiot. So there's that." How different of a world would we live in if more of us didn't roll our eyes at advice, mock those who are wiser than we, disregard good teaching? From where I'm standing, too many of us are way too busy thinking we have all the answers to listen to anyone else. They call it a Millenial phenomenon, this complete disdain for our elders, but if Solomon had to write about it thousands of years ago, I'd submit that it's really nothing new.  Still, he calls anyone who acts like that a fool, so I'm not sure it's much of a comfort to know our generation isn't the first to be guilty of this. That said, the truly interesting part of this statement,